Saturday, September 10, 2016

And… here we go!

The wait is over; I know where I am going for the next two years! After much anticipation and a few sleepless nights, PC finally herded us into a room and handed out our site placements. They also had a map of all the PCVs in Cambodia on it, so we could see who would be near us. ANNNNNDDDD….
A map of Cambodia with Prey Veng highlighted

I am headed to Prey Veng Province to work in a Provincial Teacher Training Center!

I was honestly not expecting to be placed at a PTTC, so it was quite a surprise when I looked at my folder. Most of the ETTT PCVs in Cambodia will work at a high school, teaching English to students while collaborating with a Khmer co-teacher. My experience will be slightly different, because I will be teaching English as well as teaching techniques to primary school teacher trainees. Unlike in high schools, there is not a standardized curriculum for English in PTTCs, so I will be developing my own with the help of my co-teachers. The number of students within the school also fluctuates more than in a high school due to practicums and the layout of the school year. 

As for the province of Prey Veng, I am really excited to explore a new part of Cambodia. Prey Veng translates as the “Long Forest”; however, most of the trees have been cut down to make way for farms. It is 2-3 hours away from Phnom Penh, so getting back to the capitol shouldn’t be a problem. I will also be a few hours from Vietnam, which I am excited to visit. From what I have heard, Prey Veng has a lot of mango trees, so I am already looking forward to mango season and all the yummy fruit! My site is also near at least two other volunteers, so I am excited to serve and work with them.  

All in all, I am very happy with my placement. Prey Veng isn’t known for being the most desirable province, because it doesn’t have a big attraction like Angkor Wat or the beach. However, at the end of the day, I came to Cambodia to work with the people of Cambodia and to truly live in Cambodia. Ordinary is beautiful, but you have to have the patience and courage to look. I am sure each province will have its challenges; I am choosing to approach this placement with an open mind and heart. In that spirit, my provincemates and I have adopted a new hashtag #preyvengproud. 

So, cheers to my next adventure in Cambodia! I am excited to get started, but first we will spend a few days in Phnom Penh and get sworn in as official Peace Corps Volunteers. 

Until next time, 

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