Saturday, November 19, 2016

Giving Thanks

Whelp... I have officially been in Cambodia for four months and at site for two; I have started co-teaching with my counterparts, slowly but surely working on blending our styles and methods. Last weekend, I spent some time in Phnom Penh with another PCV during the Water Festival holiday. Apart from eating way too much ice cream and Western food, we didn't do much, contenting ourselves with meandering around the city and a few markets. It was a nice getaway completing the first two months of integration and work at site.

Since Thanksgiving is coming for everyone in the United States this week, I wanted to make this post deliberately reflective about what I am thankful for...

1. Family and Friends: My family and friends, both back in the US and around the globe, have been so incredibly supportive as I applied, prepped, and set off on this crazy Peace Corps adventure. For every doubt, sad thought, and worry I have had, there have been several people encouraging me with letters, emails, messages, and phone calls. I am so grateful for all the love and support I have received over the last year.

2. Khmer Host Family: While I consider my host family here in Prey Veng my family now, I wanted to recognize them separately. Over the last two months, they have been caring, patient, and just plain wonderful as I worked to find my place in the community and in our family. It is a work in progress (just like my Khmer is), but they have been so helpful and gracious since I arrived. When I felt sick two weeks ago, my Bong Sray rubbed me with preng kola, brought me my favorite fruit juice, and made me stay in bed to rest. I absolutely hate being sick, but she did all she could to help me feel better.

3. English Teaching Counterparts: As I have gotten to know my counterparts (Khmer teachers that I teach English with) over the last few weeks, I have realized how lucky I am to have such great people to collaborate with. They are both open to trying new techniques and methods, sharing their classroom and students with me wholeheartedly. I hope to continue building relationships with them built on mutual respect and a willingness to learn.

4. Fellow PCVs: The other PCVs I have met since staging began in July have been a wonderful source of comfort, wisdom, information, and advice. Many people that work for Peace Corps in the offices here and in Washington are RPCVs (returned Peace Corps Volunteers), so I have met a diverse range of people who have served all over the globe. Additionally, the other PCVs here in Cambodia inspire me, listen to me, and help me when things get tough; the other PCVs in Prey Veng are especially awesome. And I can't wait for our first Prey Veng Thanksgiving next weekend!!

5. This Opportunity: I am extremely grateful for the wonderful opportunity Peace Corps has been thus far. It has already pushed me to experience new things, grow, and change, which I think will only make me a stronger, more intelligent, and reflective person. I cannot wait to see what will happen over the next two years.

So, while I don't always love the rats I hear at night or every food I try, while I sometimes want to lock myself in my room and watch movies, while I miss my family terribly, while I live in dread of the heat of the dry season...

I am extremely thankful this Thanksgiving.

Until next time,

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